Wall Art

Fill your home with stunning wall art by capturing those precious moments and the perfect details of your newborn on framed or canvas prints.

Framed Prints

Photo prints are printed on 180 gsm professional grade photo paper, Kodak's best and longest life photographic paper. Colours are more vivid and deeper.

Frames are custom milled and stained in Victorian Ash. Photos are mounted with acid free adhesive. Shatter proof acrylic on the frames are clearer than glass and blocks UV rays. A high quality mat board borders the print and prevents surface contact with acrylic. Frames are sealed with acid free tape to prevent moisture, dust and bugs from entering.

Choose from the following sizes:

  • 46 X 36 cm
  • 50 X 42 cm


Printed on Premium grade poly-cotton canvas blend for even stretch, our minimalist canvas prints represent sophistication and sweetness. Pigment inks are used with longest lasting print technology. Canvas prints are laminated for UV, moisture and fungal protection. Hoop pine frames are crafted from sustainable sources.

Choose from the following sizes:

  • 35 X 28 cm
  • 50 X 40 cm
  • 50 X 60 cm

Timber Framed Canvas

A natural timber box frame surrounds your beautifully printed canvas image. There are two sizes to choose from and it comes ready to hang.

Choose from the following sizes:

  • 20 X 30 cm
  • 30 X 45 cm

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